The success of digital transformation will depend above all on "the ability of business leaders to make the right decisions so they do not fall behind"
Translation of an op-ed article published in Le Monde on June 10, 2024. by Guillaume Chevillon (Professor of Economics & Statistics at...

Artificial Intelligence & the technological transformation
We published a special issue of ESSEC Knowledge Review as a free e-book. This e-book is available here. For a smartphone-friendly...

Laissez-faire or policing social networks?
The debate between Twitter and Facebook on whether they should police the content of posts is need to be understood in the context of the...

#3 worldwide, #1 in Europe in QS rankings Masters in Business Analytics for two years in a row
The ESSEC | CentraleSupelec Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics has been was ranked #3 worldwide and #1 in Europe for two years...

Et si on réinitialisait les réseaux sociaux
Ma nouvelle tribune dans Libération traite des problèmes de diffusion de l'information dans les réseaux sociaux et de la création de...

Beware of weak links in large datasets
One of the main characteristics of the last few years is the increasing availability of statistical information on many aspects of...

Data Science and Artistic Creation
On January 10, students from ENSAPC (Ecole des Arts de Paris-Cergy) and the ESSEC-CentraleSupelec MSc in Data Sciences & Business...

Roundtable with the Minister for Digital & Innovation
I had the pleasure to be invited to the Public Innovation week for a roundtable on the future of algorithms. The video of the debate is...

Ethique des algorithmes et débat démocratique
Les réseaux sociaux nous ciblent de façon toujours plus pointue et ne nous font parvenir que les informations qui nous conforteront dans...

L'effet Joseph en finance
Mon intervention aujourd'hui sur France Info ("un jour une question" par Emmanuel Davidenkoff, en réécoute ici) porte sur l'effet Joseph....