Laissez-faire or policing social networks?
The debate between Twitter and Facebook on whether they should police the content of posts is need to be understood in the context of the...
Et si on réinitialisait les réseaux sociaux
Ma nouvelle tribune dans Libération traite des problèmes de diffusion de l'information dans les réseaux sociaux et de la création de...
Beware of weak links in large datasets
One of the main characteristics of the last few years is the increasing availability of statistical information on many aspects of...
How do authorities conduct monetary policy
LORENZETTI, Ambrogio -- Allegory of the Good Government (detail) -- 1338-40 -- Siena As part of the series of lectures my colleagues and...
Learning can generate Long Memory
Our paper with Sophocles Mavroeidis just got published in the Journal of Econometrics, vol 198(1), 1-9. It is our second article on the...
Connaître & agir en complexité -- Edgar Morin Chair
On March 14, I participated in a roundtable discussion and Q&A sessions following the Edgar Morin MOOC on Complexity and Decision. The...
L'effet Joseph en finance
Mon intervention aujourd'hui sur France Info ("un jour une question" par Emmanuel Davidenkoff, en réécoute ici) porte sur l'effet Joseph....
Big data: alchimie ou science? Chaire ESSEC Edgar Morin
Ma "mise en boîte de la complexité" Chaire ESSEC Edgar Morin 19/01/2016 Les mégadonnées, ou Big Data, constituent un nouvel outil à la...
The meaning of the 21st Century
An interesting Legacy Over a decade ago, James Martin, the highest-selling author of books on computing and related technology gave £60...
OxMetrics user Conference Aix-en-Provence
I have now arrived in Aix-en-Provence for the 16th Oxmetrics user conference which gathers econometricians who work with or develop this...